What Is SEO Localization? Tools & Best Practices

what is SEO Localization? - Inventio

SEO translation is not the only way to broaden your internet trail across the globe. It also involves increasing the right traffic to your website with the right content and organic search results in the right targeted language. Let’s discuss SEO localization and its importance in expanding your business’s reach.

What Is SEO Localization?

SEO localization is the procedure of optimizing your website’s SEO strategy and its content according to different languages and regions so it can rank higher on top search engines. SEO Localization goes beyond just simple translation of a website’s content and involves special strategies to target local cultures, their preferences, and search habits. 

Importance Of SEO Localization

For local SEO, we need to study the local terminologies and their importance when targeting a local customer base. It might be possible that the local terminology for an item is different from the existing terminology. Moreover, local SEO helps you build trust, enhance the local user experience, and promote global growth. According to the research, users visit websites that are local to them and easily accessible in their native tongue. Whereas, when the website is localized, the website visits are ensured to last longer, which is beneficial in the long run.

Furthermore, you can improve your local SEO ranking with high domain authority. DA gives you an idea of how strong your website is and how well it is performing as compared to other websites.

Tools For SEO Localization

SEO localization needs to use different resources to attain digital content for several cultures and languages.

Localization Software

Localization software is the most important resource that helps translate and optimize content for different markets. It can easily manage tasks like content editing and keyword research. Additionally, the software also makes sure websites show up well in local search engines. 

Native SEO Specialist 

A native language speaker is very crucial for SEO localization. They provide cultural knowledge and language skills to customize content. Additionally, native language speakers have the following characteristics that serve as bonuses, which are listed below:

  • Can communicate with customers more successfully
  • Assist in providing goods or services that meet their needs.
  • Understand the purpose behind the command.

Glossaries And Checklists

Glossaries and checklists are some of the tools that help maintain translated content and improve the user experience. It also locates websites in multiple languages. These tools ensure that the content matches local culture and follows SEO rules. Moreover, such tools help companies connect with buyers all around the globe. All these resources enable us to connect sites with local audiences and improve visibility using SEO localization tactics.

Content Management Systems (CMS):

A content management tool is a tool that helps you create, manage, and post content on your site with less effort. With the help of this tool, you would not need advanced skills to post the content on your site. It simplifies the process and makes the site functional for all types of users. CMS provides templates and a user-friendly interface where you can easily organize your site and make it work according to your own will. Some of the most renowned CMSs are WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.  

Best Practices To Build Your SEO Localization Strategy

SEO Localization Strategy - Inventio

Fix Your Site’s URL

Firstly, fix or create your site’s URL before localizing your content to a new language. You can do so by following any of these three primary methods.

  • Subdirectories
  • Subdomain with gTLD
  • A New Domain

Find Your Local SEO Competitor

SEO requires understanding your competition to help you stand out in the market. It is even more essential when trying to grow your business in a new area. Therefore, you must look for your local SEO competitors so that you can outrank them. Without that, you cannot know what’s going on in the market and what’s ahead of you.

Research Relevant keywords

Once you have understood your competition, it is time to research keywords with high demand and low competition. Moreover, it is also important to use long-tail keywords. Long tail keywords mean “keywords with more than three words,” and they are useful because of their higher conversion rates.

Use Keywords In Your Content

You can now begin creating content after choosing your keywords. Only creative and trendy content finds success on the market. So, therefore, make sure the content is unique, catchy, and creative. You can effectively target your chosen audience with the help of the content. 

Localize Keyword Position Tracking

Localized keyword position tracking involves monitoring the ranking of your researched and used keywords. It is a very important step for your business, which aims to optimize its appearance and relevance in local search engine results.

Perform Market-Specific Conversion Tracking

Traditional SEO metrics usually focus on rankings and traffic. But to succeed, in local SEO, it is important to perform market-specific conversion tracking. You can master market-specific conversion tracking by keeping in mind the following factors: 

  • conversion types, 
  • conversion tracking by market attribute, and 
  • stakeholder buy-in. 

These factors will give you a comprehensive view of how your SEO efforts are influencing sales and making you excel in the market.

Difference Between SEO Translation And SEO Localization!

The difference between SEO translation and SEO localization is that SEO translation means “translating content from one language to another.” On the other hand, SEO localization “involves not only translating the content but also changing it for the following factors that involve:

  • To fit the culture, 
  • Linguistic,
  • SEO standards, and
  • guidelines of the target audience.


The basic purpose of SEO translation is to improve visibility. Whereas the basic purpose of SEO localization is to improve rankings while making you more relatable to your audience. 

So, therefore, to be as close to your target audience as possible, consider other collateral and cultural elements, as noted below:

Stereotypes, idioms, cultural references, etc.”

Furthermore, SEO localization involves choosing keywords that differ from the main source despite having similar meanings.


SEO Translation Example:

For example, a global company based in Turkey wants to extend its business across various parts of the world. So basically, they sell wellness tools in a successful e-commerce store. If they want to sell these tools in Germany and attract German-speaking buyers, they will just translate the website content from English to German.

SEO Localization Example:

The business owner realized that only translating the content was not enough. There is still a need for something that works effectively to reach the targeted audience in Germany. So,  now they localized their SEO strategies to resonate with German buyers. For this, they used several tactics and methods, listed below,

Keyword Research: 

Keyword research is very important for this purpose. So, in this case, they specified terms that local buyers were using in Germany. They did not just directly translate English keywords; instead, they looked for the most searched words on Google.

Local SEO Tactics: 

SEO experts optimized the website for SEO localization by including the name of some cities in Germany, addresses, and local phone numbers. Moreover, they make sure that their content integrates with German web crawling algorithms and search engine marketing practices in the German-speaking market.


SEO localization is a process that includes not only translating the content language but also changing the whole SEO strategy of the site. By following very basic steps, you can easily execute the best strategies for the localization of SEO. These strategies will help you reach a wider audience and build more trust in the local market.

Also Read: Parasite SEO Technique and Benefits

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